Saturday, September 4, 2010

Some Jokes to Start

The world needs more laughter, so I am setting up a new blog as a vehicle for passing on jokes, puns and other humorous stuff. I believe that all of material I plan to post is in the public domain; at least, I don't have the faintest idea where most of it came from.. and if I ever find out, I will share that information with you. I've been collecting what I think is humorous material for fifty years and now it is time to share it with y'all, whether you want me to, or not.

01. Christmas:

There will no longer be nativity scenes in Washington, D.C. Nobody is complaining about that because everyone knows that it has now become impossible to find three wise men and a virgin in our nation's capitol. However, there are still plenty of asses available for the stable.

02. Marriage:

Husband: "My wife handles all the smaill decisions and I handle all the big ones."
Friend: "Give me an example."
Husband: "Well, we haven't had any big ones yet."

03. Marriage:

They had a very short marriage, they fought over custody of the wedding cake.

04. Homework:

Teacher: "Wieso kommst du denn schon wieder zu spaet, Jens?"
Jens:: "Ich bin auf dem Schulweg ueberfallen worden!"
Teacher: "Was? Wurde dir etwas geraubt?"
Jens: "Ja, zum Glueck aber nur die Hausaufgaben!"

05. Introductions:

Speaker Joe Vaughan: "You don't need to give me a long introduction."

Toastmaster: "O.K."

Toastmaster: "Our speaker today is Joe Vaughan, and the less said about him the better."

06. Cross:

Q. What do you get if you cross an apeman with a zebra?

A. Tarzan stripes forever.

07. Trickery:

Q. How do you keep a turkey in suspence?

A. I'll tell you tomorrow.

08. Marriage:

A 96 year old man and a 93 year old woman are about to get married. The groom goes into a drug store and tells the manager that because he is getting married, he needs Viagra, heart medicine, vitamin pills, hernia aids, etc, etc.

The drug store manager says: "Well then, can we set up a registry for you?"

09. Aging:

Because the population is aging, the Gallop Poll will now be called the Walker Poll.

10. Aging:

There are certain signs that you are getting old. The other day I walked past a cemetery and two guys ran after me with shovels.

11. Aging:

The best part of living to 103.. there is no peer pressure.

12. Aging:

Customer: "What do you have for gray hair?"

Barber: "A lot of respect."

13. History:

Jim: "What do you think of a man who goes horseback riding at 3 o'clock in the morning?"

Bill: "I would say that he is very eccentric."

Jim: "So.. poking fun at Paul Revere, are you?"

14. Fish:

A baby sardine sees a submarine and races to his mama sardine.

Mama sardine says: "Don't be scared.. it's just a can of people."

15. Money:

I lent my friend $100 for plastic surgery, and now I don't know what he looks like.

16. Animals:

Man1: "Help! An alligator just bit off my leg!"

Man2: "Which one?"

Man1: "I don't know, alligators all look alike to me."

17. Naughty:

Woman1: "So, how's your sex life?"

Woman2: "Nothing special. I'm having Social Security sex."

Woman1: "Social Security sex?"

Woman2: "Yeah.. I get a little each month, but not enough to live on."

18. Cheapness:

He's so cheap that when he eats asparagus at a restaurant, he leaves the tip.

19. Office:

I swallowed a rubber band and have been making snap decisions all day.

20. Animals:

An angry dog walks into a bar and says: "I'm looking for the guy who shot my paw!"


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