Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Merry Month of May

The sun is trying to come out to warm the dark green grass that has sprouted about four inches in two days.  We are lucky here in Maryland not to have the weather problems that some of the other States are having.. especially Mississippi.  Perhaps some of our friends down there, like Dawn T., might like a few jokes to cheer them up a little.

01.  Here's Johnny!

Johnny Carson used to do a wonderful skit where he became The Great Karnack.  Karnack was able to Question Answers like the following:

Answer:     Beating around the bush.

Question:   Describe a lawn party at the Marquis de Sades' house.
Answer:    A trip  to the moon on gossamer wings.

Question:   Describe the Greenwich Village space program.
Answer:    Cool hand Luke.

Question:   Who do the cows hate to see come into the barn in the AM?

Answer:    A short sprint.

Question:  What do you put on a broken thumb  in Japan?
Answer:   Malibu

Question:  What does a Mali-ghost say?

I know, I know, you had to be there.

02. Religious Issues

Church Bulletin:  "Potluck dinner today, prayer and medication to follow."
Bingo session: 

Q: Why is the priest calling the numbers in Latin?
A:  Because he doesn't want Protestants to win.
A guy enters a cafe.  He spots two beautiful blondes sitting at the bar.
Guy to Girls:  "Hey, are you two sisters?"
Girl to Guy:   "Hell no, we're not even Catholic.
Just wondering:  In Heaven, do all the women wear the exact same halo?

03.  Medicine

Patient to Doctor:  "I think I'll get a second opinion."

Doctor to Patient:  "Fine, come in tomorrow."

04.  Old Bumper Stickers


05. At the Hospital

A nurse placed a stethoscope on an elderly deaf female patient's chest.
"Big breaths," instructed the nurse.
The patient responded: "Yes, they used to be."

06.  Questions for Junior High School Students

Q:  Why does your sister have such a big belly button?
A:   So she can carry the flag in the Veterans' Day parade.
Q:  Why did the chicken join the band?
A:   Because he had drumsticks.
Q:  Why did the spider move out of the window sill?
A:   He wanted to change websites.
Q:  Why did the Siamese Twins move to England?
A:   So the other one could drive.

07.  Comedians Talk

Steven Wright:  "If you shoot a mime, should you use a silencer?

Art Buchwald said of his 50th Class Reunion: "A lot of old faces, with a lot of new teeth."

Henny Youngman liked to say: "Take my wife...  please!"

Recently, I heard the origin of that phrase.  Henny was backstage with his wife and friend before he was to perform.  He was given the sign to start early, so he didn't have time to escort his wife to the audience.  His friend said that he was leaving to get his seat, so Henny asked him: "Please take my wife."  Since that made his friend smile, Henny decided to change it around a little and see if it worked with the audience.  It did.

08.  Another version, maybe

A guy goes into a bar and says to the bartender:  "I want something tall and cold, and filled with gin."
The bartender says:  "Take my wife!"

09.  More bartender stuff

A guy goes into a bar and orders a stiff drink and then begins to moan.

The bartender asks: "What's the problem, pal?" 

The guy says: "Until today, I had everything a man could ask for.  Money, a nice place to live, and the love of a beautiful woman."

Bartender:  "What happened?"

Guy: "My wife found out."

10.  Introduction

During a recent retirement dinner, the Toastmaster gave the following intro:

"Today, we honor a man who doesn't know the meaning of "fear".  He doesn't know the meaning of the word "quit", and also doesn't know the meaning of the word "impossible."...So, we all chipped in and bought him a dictionary."

11.  Some alphabetic Animals

A: An alligator went on a train trip and gave his suitcase to a redcap.  He told him: "Be careful, that's my wife."
E: An elephant went into a clothing store and told the clerk: "I'd like to see something new in trunks."
F: A boy flea asked a girl flea to come up to his apartment to see his itchings.
H: A zoo-keeper took his hippo to the vet and said: "I don't know what is wrong with him, he just pecks at his food.  A peck of this; a peck of that."
Z: Rider to train conductor:  "There's a zebra in my upper berth, isn't that amazing?"
Conductor:  "It certainly is.  His ticket calls for a drawing room."


12:  More alphabetic animals.

F: Time flies like the wind,
    Fruit flies like bananas.
D: A duck orders a big meal at a restaurant, and when it is time to pay, he says: "Put it on my bill."
D: A dog played classical music, but his Bach was worse than his bite.
M: Monkeys shoot dice; but it's ok, they only play for peanuts.

Had enough!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Is the price of gas getting you down?  Well, here is some "gas" that is free.

01.  Pearly Gates

There are two entrances to Heaven for men.  One is marked: "Gate 1: For Those Men Who Dominated Their Wives."  The other entrance is marked: "Gate 2: For Those Men Who Were Dominated By Their Wives."

As would be expected, the line at Gate 2 was extremely long.  But the line at Gate 1 had only one man waiting to get in.

A passing angel asked the man at Gate 1 why he was in that line.  The man answered: "My wife told me to."

02.  Golf

Golfer #1:  "My wife is going to leave me if I don't give up golf."
Golfer #2:  "What are you going to do?"
Golfer #1:  "I'm going to really miss her!"

03.  From Steve Allen #1.. Court

Judge: "Will you tell the court what passed between you and your wife during the quarrel?"
Defendant:  "Yes.  A flatiron, a rolling pin, six plates and a teakettle."

04.  From Steve Allen #2 .. Doctor

I have a great doctor.  I told him I couldn't afford the surgery that he recommended, so he touched up my X-Ray.

05. From Steve Allen #3 .. Poem

I often pause and wonder,
At times peculiar ways,
Nearly all our famous men
Were born on Holidays.

06.  Kids

A boy was watching his father, a preacher, write a sermon.  He asked: "How do you know what to say?"
His father replied: "God tells me what to say."
The boy asked: "Then why do you keep crossing things out?"

07.  More Golf

Question:  Why is golf like taxes?
Answer:     Well, you drive hard to get to the green, and then you wind up in the hole.

08.  Even more Golf.. from Sid Simon

Give me my golf clubs, fresh air, and a beautiful partner, and you can keep my golf clubs and the fresh air.

09.  Doctor's Orders

An old man went to the doctor to get a physical.   A few days later, the doctor saw him walking down the street with a gorgeous young lady on his arm.

The doctor stopped him and said: "You seem to be doing real good."
The old man said:  "Yes, I'm doing what you said to do: 'Get a hot mama and be cheerful.'"
The doctor said: "No.. what I said was: 'You have a heart murmur and be careful!'"

10.  More from Sid Simon .. Doctor stuff

Question:  Why did the doctor fail as a kidnapper?

Answer:    Nobody could read his ransom notes.

11.  Another Genie story

A man at a ballgame absently rubbed  a funny looking coke bottle and a genie suddenly appeared.

Genie:  I only have one wish to grant today.  I can give you either infinite wisdom, or a million dollars.

Man (looking around, seeing people watching him, and not wanting to appear greedy) says: I'll take infinite wisdom.

Whoof!  He is now smarter than anybody else in the world.

A guy seated next to him asked him:  "Now, with infinite wisdom, what is the greatest think that you now know?"

Man:  "I should have taken the damn million dollars!"

12.  Signs from the late Charlie Bennett (2002)

Sign over a gynecologist's office:  "Dr. Jones, at your cervix."

Sign outside a muffler shop:  "No appointment necessary.  We hear you coming."

Sign in a veterinarian's waiting room:  "Be back in 5 minutes.  Sit!  Stay!

Sign at a plastic surgeon's office: "We can help you pick your nose."

Sign on an electrician's truck:  "Let us remove your shorts."

Sign on a maternity room door: "Push. Push. Push."

Sign in an optometrist's office: "If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place."
