I haven't posted any jokes for a while, and I thought that now might be a good time to do so. Now that you all have probably followed the gift buying suggestions in one of my other blogs, you can relax and read a few real real real old Christmas jokes.
Subject: Santa Claus
1. Enlightenment
"Bobby, did you see Santa this time?"
"No, Auntie, but I heard what he said when he knocked his toe against the bedpost."
2. Payback
Willy, taken to see Santa Claus, kicked him in the shins, saying: "That's for last year!"
Subject: Ladies and Christmas
1. Wishing
Two elderly unmarried ladies were making their plans for the Christmas season.
"Betty," asked the younger, "do you think that one long, wide stocking would hold all you want for Christmas?"
"Heavens no," replied Betty with a sigh, "but a pair of short socks would."
2. Swag
(One burgler's wife to another)
"What did your old man give you for Christmas?"
"Nothing. The cops caught him just as he was bringing it home."
3. Truism
At Christmas time, every woman wants her past forgotten and her present remembered.
4. Girl talk
First girl: "You mean to say that you're engaged to five guys at the same time?
Second girl: "Yes, and I can hardly wait until after Christmas to straighten things out."
Subject: Special Gifts
1. Musical interlude
Nephew: "That accordian that you gave me for Christmas last year is the best present I ever received."
Aunt: "I'm glad you liked it."
Nephew: "Yeah, mother gives me a quarter a week not to play it."
2. Chop Suey
Bill: "How did you like those Chinese back scratchers that I gave you for Christmas?"
Jim: "Is that what they are? My wife's been making me eat salad with them."
Subject: Husband and Wife
1. Aspirin time
Joe: "My wife hung my socks up and boy did I have a headache!"
Bill: "How could hanging up socks for Christmas give you a headache?"
Joe: "Well, she forgot to take me out of them first.
2. Price check
Customer: "I came in here to get something for my wife."
Clerk: "What are you asking for her?"
3. Concentration
Next Customer: "I want to buy a present for my wife."
Clerk: "Can I interest you in something in silk stockings?"
Next Customer: "Yes, but let's see about the present first."
4. Financial matter
Husband: "Would you be pleased if I gave you a check for Christmas, dear?"
Wife: "I certainly would!"
Husband: "Good. Here it is, already made out to me, ready for you to sign."
5. Christmas morning
Wife to husband: "You angel! Just what I need to exchange for what I wanted!"
6. Mother in law gift
Wife to husband: "Last year for Christmas we sent my mother a chair. What do you think we ought to do this year?"
Husband to wife: "Electrify it!"
7. Advice
Don't promise to buy your wife a diamond necklace for Christmas unless you really mean it. If you do buy it, there'll be only the jeweler to pay; if you don't buy it, there'll be hell to pay.
Subject: Church
1. The music
Mother came into the room and found the children seated on lined-up chairs.
"Whatever are you doing?" she asked.
"We're playing church," announced one of the boys.
"But you girls on the end shouldn't be whispering in church, " reproved mother.
"Oh, that's all right," replied one of the girls, "we're the choir."
2. The Sermon
A clergyman was unable to deliver his Christmas sermon and asked an associate to do so. Later, he asked his wife how the sermon went.
"The worst I've ever heard. Nothing of interest in it at all," replied his wife.
The clergyman then confronted his associate and asked him how he had done.
"Excellently!" replied the associate. "I didn't have enough time to prepare my own, so I preached one of your sermons."
3. The Offering
A wealthy man went to church on Christmas eve. After the service, he approached the minister with great enthusiasm.
"Reverend," he said, "that was one damned good sermon!"
The minister replied: "I'm glad that you liked it, but it would be nice if you didn't swear when expressing yourself."
"I can't help it," said the man, "but I liked it so much that a put a one hundred dollar bill in the collection plate."
"The hell you say!" gulped the minister.
I stole a few of these OLD jokes from the following books in my collection:
Braude's Handbook of Humor for All Occasions by Jacob M. Braude (1958)
5,600 Jokes for All Occasions by Mildred Meier and Jack Knapp (1940)
Esar's Joke Dictionary by Evan Esar (1945)
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